Speedy Methods Of transcranial magnetic stimulation - The New Options

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YOUR HEALTH: Stimulate your depression

Treatments include counseling, medications, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, TMS, to stimulate the mood-regulating parts of the brain.

"Not all patients respond to the medication or to the neuromodulation," explained Dr. Francisco Romo-Nava, a physician scientist at the University of Cincinnati's Lindner Center of HOPE.

Dr. Romo-Nava and his colleagues are studying a new way to treat mental health disorders.

The neuroscientists are testing a device that delivers stimulation to a patient's spine.

Dr. Romo-Nava says the stimulation will improve the feedback in the central nervous system that is sometimes disrupted when a person has a psychiatric disorder.

For now, patients undergo spinal stimulation for 20 minutes, three times a week, for eight weeks.

"The kind of stimulation that we use is very well tolerated," he explained.

"The most frequent description is like a tingling sensation

Researchers say this stimulation therapy could be the first step to developing better treatment for some patients.

Dr. Romo-Nava was granted a patent for the stimulation method that utilizes transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of psychiatric disorders.

He says his research team is trying to determine how often, and how long, patients should undergo the stimulation for the best results.

Between 80% and 90% of people with depression respond well to treatment, and almost all patients gain some relief from their symptoms.

A new form of magnetic brain stimulation relieved symptoms of severe depression in 90% of participants in a study conducted by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

The researchers are conducting a larger, double-blinded trial in which half the participants are receiving fake treatment and are optimistic it will prove to be similarly effective in treating people whose condition hasn't improved with medication, talk therapy, or other forms of electromagnetic stimulation.


Why Depression Is Such A Difficult Affliction To Deal With

Treating depression is something that could be life-changing and essential in order for you to have a fulfilling life in the future. It does require some research and effort on your part if you want it to work. You may be curious as to how you can get proper treatment.

A great tip that can help you fight depression is to not listen to sad music. A lot of people are drawn to sad music when they're depressed because it validates their thoughts. This can keep you in a depressed state. Ditch the sad music and you'll find yourself feeling better.

If you are suffering from depression, consider getting a prescription for an antidepressant. They may help with restoring your happiness. There are so many kinds to choose from, so ask you doctor about trying a couple to see which ones may work.

Many depression medications can be quite effective in correcting the chemical imbalance that often leads to depression. However, they will work much better if you combine them with regular exercise, therapy and good effort and work on your part.

Depression is something we all have faced at some point. If you are having bouts with depression you should see a psychologist. Often times, they can identify a problem in your way of thinking and work to reform it. In this way, the cause is treated and not just the symptoms.

The number 1, best way to conquer depression is to take action. Decide what your problem is, how you can alleviate it, and start taking action to make your life better. Taking action will occupy your mind, which in turn will prevent you from dwelling on negative thoughts. As you start to see tangible results from the actions you are taking, you will build positive self-esteem and begin to feel better about yourself.

Beware, although alcohol can feel like your best friend when you are fighting depression it actually may just be your enabler. If you feel yourself drawn to alcohol in your hardest moments - then you should avoid it completely! Alcohol and depression are very close cousins and love to team up on the unsuspecting!

A tip to help with dealing with depression is to turn off the television. Almost everything on the news, or in the papers in negative and depressing, so if we turn it off, then it stops becoming a factor in our life. You can listen and read about all the sad stories and news but in reality there is nothing that you can do about them, so why worry about it.

Just because your depression symptoms may be better, do not come off your medications until you consult with your doctor. Sometimes, people who stop taking their medication find that a few weeks later, their symptoms come back, and sometimes even worsen. Tell your doctor you want to come off the medication and have her or him tell you the best way to do so.

Steer clear of modified and processed sugars. Avoid high fructose corn syrup and sugar substitutes. Your health and well being can be negatively impacted by too much sugar of any kind in your diet. A diet with too much sugar can be a one way ticket to depression, mood swings, and diabetes.

A good tip that can help you get out of your depression is to start keeping a daily journal. Keeping a daily journal can be a good way to just get your feelings out and to express yourself honestly. You can also refer back to it if you want.

A great way to deal with depression is to make sure that you do not lose track of your social life. This is extremely important because if you do not have a social life, you may lose touch with the people who are in the best situation to help you with your transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy problems.

When you depression is getting the best of you, think of how much worse it can be. There are people in the world who are homeless or without food. Thinking of how worse your situation can be will make you grateful for what you have, thus reducing your depression symptoms.

Depression can feel overwhelming. Depression is often tough to beat, but those who conquer it feel terrific. Use the advice and suggestions offered in this article to make progress in your quest to beat depression.

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